Mathematics teacher certification through the point of education is one of the government's efforts to improve the competency of teachers in mathematics. Improving the competence of teachers of mathematics includes Will, Attitude, knowledge, skill and experience.
Will include a teacher's mentality, the sense of covering optimistic, positive thinking, pray, the intention of worship, feeling happy and so forth.
Attitude includes a teacher's attitude, the attitude includes the friendly, polite, respect the students, and so forth
Knowledge includes the knowledge, the load demand that a teacher must have extensive and deep knowledge.
Skill cover skills, the load of teachers in using the skills of learning tools, tools, skills in management of classes and so forth
Experience includes experience, the load demand that a teacher needs to have experience and a broad insight.
As for the learning of mathematics school, EBBUT and STREEKER provide basic mindset that math is the school is looking for patterns of activities and relationships, we split the problem (problem solving), research (Investigation) and communication equipment.
The implication in learning mathematics, the teachers give the broadest opportunity to students to activities of discovery, an experiment, concluding, stimulating the emergence of problems in mathematics, helping students to solve their problem, giving the opportunity to think, encourage curiosity, logical thinking, consistent, identify and explain the characteristics of mathematics and would like to encourage students to read and write about mathematics.
In another opportunity, BRUNNER argues that in learning mathematics is required to adjust the growth pattern of the flow of thinking of the student. Thus, in his writings BRUNNER share in the three stages of learning mathematics, namely: Enactive, Iconic and Symbolic.
Enactive activities are learning math by using objects ground.
Iconic is the activity of learning mathematics by linking day-to-day problems with the model of mathematics
Symbolic is the activity of learning mathematics using symbols in the symbol-solving.
The idea presented by Bloom, Ebbut , Streeker, and Brunner is very important to be in the implementation plan of the quality of both.
It is not easy to leave long pradigma to new pradigma in learning mathematics, from curriculum based center to the school-based curriculum, from the model, which concentrated on learning to become teachers based on student learning, and so forth.
All requires a lot of the preparation of students, teachers, curriculum, the government, and the existing infrastructure in school . so learning pradigma so that students can be actively implemented properly.
Accelerating progress in education in Indonesia becomes an expectation by the various students, teachers, community and country.
School as a base to become the focus of education is expected by the various parties to be able to immediately improve the quality of education so that it commensurates with other countries.
Teachers in education as the accused spearhead to continuously improve professionalism as educators. For the government program with the opening of teacher certification through the point of education is expected to increase the maximum teachers' professionalism.
Saya mengapresiasi tulisan Pak Budi karena orisinil, kreatif dan produktif. Selanjutnya komentar-komentar Pak Ahmad Agus terhadap tulisan teman-teman yang lain tentu juga diharapkan. (Dosen: Dr. Marsigit)
Terimakasih pak marsigit atas masukannya. semoga bermanfaat untuk penulisan berikutnya
I like to read your story. Be sucess for you...
Sukses buat Pak Agus, mudah-mudahan dengan sertifikasi ini kita bisa "write n speak in english" kayak pak agus.
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